You really think I’m the strongest medical device marketing consultant you’ve ever met?
The expert for marketing medical devices?
The best speaker at the medical device conference?
You make me blush. Or should I say, I make me blush.
As surely as today’s post will benefit me (read why), you’ll benefit too … if you follow my lead.
Get Endorsements and Testimonials.
In “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,” Robert Cialdini explains how social proof is a powerful motivator. In my case, I want to persuade you that, between my vast Medical Devices Group network and Medical Marcom value proposition, I’m the medical device marketing consultant to choose for your next project.
It helps me convince you if People With Titles at Companies You Recognize – people like you – are willing to put their names and faces on my website, telling you how great I am.
I created a testimonial page with their accolades and faces. It goes on and on – so much so that you’ll stop reading, scroll down, and think, “Man, he has a lot of testimonials!” Then, I hope, “He must be good, I should contact him.”
Write Most of the Testimonials Yourself!
By now, you may know about Medical Devices Group conference I host each May.
Many are waiting to see who else is attending before they decide to commit. So I created a testimonial page, “Why I’m Going To The 10x Medical Device Conference,” to show who’s attending and give you reasons to attend.
I wrote some of those testimonials myself. Then I got permission from each “endorser” to post their very generous comments.
Why did I do this? For a number of reasons:
- I care more than they. I wordsmithed the testimonials to say exactly what I wanted. I attempted to speak in the voice of the endorser I selected for each quote.
- I want each quote to be incremental. If everyone said, “Joe is an expert medical device marketer,” it would be redundant and one-dimensional. I’d much rather have one comment on my good looks, another on my singing, a third on my superlative parenting skills, etc.
- It’s faster.
Testimonials Help Your SEO Efforts.
I did something rather cheeky with this article. If you re-read the first three sentences, I used three expressions that help pay my mortgage.
- medical device marketing
- marketing medical devices
- medical device conference
I hyper-linked each of them, thereby making them “anchor text.” (Related reading: “Inbound Links.”) I suspect you ignored them. Google did not. Google also likes how they link to pages about medical device marketing, etc.
Testimonials can work in much the same way, especially if you write them yourself. Go find the “medical device marketing” expression that pays your mortgage, then have your endorsers use those terms in their testimonials. A double win.
So, what do you think? Am I the smartest, best, and most professional medical device marketing consultant and medical device conference host?
Stop it. You’re embarrassing me.