When it’s time to change, it’s time to rearrange. – Peter Brady
I really liked my fourth homepage design. It served me well for years with minimal edits.
During its “reign,” this site consistently captured the top search spots on four major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Bing, Safari) for the mortgage-paying term “medical device marketing.”
But contemporary design waits for no website. So it was time to update the look and feel of the site.What I Liked About My Homepage Design
The primary navigation. It was simple: About, Services, Blog, and Contact. At the end I added “Workshops” to promote MDMS, the Medical Device Marketing and Sales Workshop. Clicking on that link took you to the MDMS website.
The ebook offer was first thing you saw. Thousands have downloaded it; they’re in my database. The other items in the slider all had action items. I liked the “See more ideas” arrow as a secondary way to get people to check out the other slider items.
The testimonials. I liked the colorful, smiling faces and choice compliments.
The sidebar, while not aesthetically pleasing, was quite functional. I promoted other events, my Medical Devices Group, and top blog posts on the site. (This was before I conceived the “Start Here” article toward the top of the blog.)
The footer. I loved it, actually, because the action item on the bottom right lifted subscriptions 20 percent. And the copy on the right appeared on every page with a reassuring smile from me and reasons to believe my value proposition.
Why The Homepage Design Needed Changing
The slider, while attractive, made it difficult for the “other offers” to get a fair shake. I could have randomized which got served each time but the ebook is the most important one for me. It’s at the center of the new design as well.
The copy layout. The opening paragraphs on the site greatly contributed to my top SEO rankings. Still, the blocks of copy weren’t very attractive and, well, the layout just looks a bit dated.
The emphasis.This Medical Marcom site predates my inheritance of the Medical Devices Group, which gets mentioned more as an afterthought. The Medical Devices Group adds to my credibility as a valued resource by virtue of the international network I’ve amassed.
Change Your Homepage Design
Revitalizing my website revitalized me! I’ve seen this over and over again: A new website excites your team (even if it’s a team of one). Now I’m even more eager to drive traffic to the site. I expect more conversations to follow.
Go and do the same. And let me know if I can help.
– Homepage 1: An Embarrassing Mess
– Homepage 1.5: The One You Never Saw
– Three Homepages in Six Months: Third in a Series