I wrote Journey #14 in December 2017. To date, it’s the most important Journey I’ve written.
I encourage you to re-read it: A content shock to the system.
If you don’t have time, watch this beautifully animated Lucia video.
Stand Out or Shut Up
“Content shock” means there’s more published than we can possibly consume.
To get our eyeballs, you need to stand out with remarkable (at least original) content in a voice unlike anyone else’s – or don’t bother.
Why? Because your audience is armed.
We will block you. |
We will fast-forward past you. | |
We will pay to avoid you. |
So, pretty much for the past year, I’ve been telling everyone who cares to listen: You’ve got to create and promote worthwhile content.
And, pretty much for the past year, my clients’ responses have been the same:
Anxiety, Fear, and Content
Long-time readers may recall, I slipped into depression, triggered by my content paralysis. I was convinced I had nothing to say and, with “content” the only viable marketing game in town, I was lost.
The Journey pulled me out of it.
I chronicled it in “My Marketing Mid-Life Crisis.”
So, I get it. I totally get it.
Getting my clients to produce content has been a tooth-pulling exercise because (pick one):
They don’t: (a) write. (b) write well. (c) like to write.
They would write if they: (a) had time. (b) had anything unique to say. (c) had anything at all to say.
They’d write if they thought it would: (a) get read. (b) make a difference. (c) bring in sales.
I have found the antidote to content anxiety.
Record yourself, then give the recordings to your marketing person.
This works, and here’s why:
Almost all your business reading is dry and – consciously or no – you’re okay with that.
Why? Because you read for information. Your reading is highly utilitarian.
UTILITY is what YOUR followers want from YOU.
When do you DEMONSTRATE your utility?
When you’re in the flow. When you’re doing what you do best!
So Let Us Follow You Around!
If your prospects really knew precisely what you do, and how you do it, would they hire you?
If the answer is no, you’ve got some soul-searching to do.
But if the answer is yes, then let them know precisely what you do and how you do it!
How? By recording yourself, of course!
I shared two recordings recently and let me tell you what happened.
First, I demonstrated my utility with LinkedIn for lead generation.
I demonstrated my utility on a client call. My logical questions showcased Nic Anderson’s expertise.
Nic hired me after this post. And Doug hired Nic!
See how this works?
I’ll tell you precisely how. These are the tools you need:
Get TapeACall (for iPhone) or find an Android-compatible equivalent. TapeACall costs $19.99/year. I recorded the call. | |
Use Otter.ai. It’s free. I uploaded the audio file for a free transcript. (It required edits but it was most of the way there.) | |
Use TechSmith (SnagIt or Camtasia). Edit or outsource the audio. I sent mine to Lucia ❤️. |
Use YouTube It’s free. Upload your video to share; and/or, | |
Upload to Anchor.fm. It’s free. Upload your audio file. | |
Then embed on your site. | |
Pat yourself on the back. You produced real, share-worthy content your customers and prospects appreciate. Not fluffy, self-aggrandizing nonsense. | |
Or forget the first seven steps and hire me to do it for you. |
In closing,
You never know when you’re going to say something “really smart.”
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on a client call and, after making my point, think to myself, “Dang it! That was probably the best I ever explained that. I wish I recorded it!”
Now I do.
And so can you.