Medical Marcom clients, know this:
If I recommend something to you, I probably tried it myself.
Today’s Medical Marcom homepage is my third in six months. In this post, I share what I’ve learned along the way with you.
Homepage #1: An Embarrassing Mess
At the risk of showing you “warts and all,” my inaugural homepage was an unqualified mess.
I was trying to do too much.
And I pulled ideas from lots of different sites and themes I liked.
I got almost no leads at all.
Why It Sucked
I wanted you to see my selling proposition “Crisp marketing strategies that generate medical company leads.”
I wanted you to see my latest blog posts because they were so timely(!), so relevant(!).
I wanted you to see my video.
I wanted you to find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and RSS.
I definitely wanted you to download my eBook. Nice big panel on the right!
I wanted you to give you a gift, too. The webinar smack in the middle? That’s some of my best stuff! It tells you how to generate medical device sales online!
And I added lots of “keyword rich” text on the bottom. It will help me score “medical device marketing” with search engines(!), I hoped.
What I Learned
There is a reason websites look similar: It’s expected!
Users in our categories expect primary navigation across the top (mine had none). They expect one eye-catching element on top. They expect a familiar layout, helpful info in the Golden Triangle (even if they don’t know what it is called) … 80 percent of all websites follow a similar architecture.
Bryce Shandback, my account representative at PINT (who worked with me to create, helped me see the light.
I also showed Chris Haddad, a direct response copywriter. Chris said, “There’s no way you can have two videos on the page. Pick one.”
Chris also said, “I’m there. So what? What do you want me to do? Make it easy for me.”
– Three Homepages in Six Months: Second in a Series
– Snake Oil: Third in a Series
– Time to Change Homepages: Fourth in a Series